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The Strategies and Tactics for Effective Instruction (STEI) online learning modules ( are based on print resources originally published by Bob Algozzine, Jim Ysseldyke, and Judy Elliott. The STEI materials were grounded in the findings of educational research and designed to help teachers and other professionals use widely-accepted components and principles (see below) to improve outcomes for students. The content in STEI helped school personnel with planning, managing, delivering, and evaluating interventions for all students. It also served as a catalog of activities for data-based problem-solving teams to use when selecting, implementing, and monitoring solutions that achieve and sustain positive outcomes as well as for teachers and other professionals engaged in writing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities. Instructional consultants and coaches used STEI when assisting with action planning and collecting data for decision making, sharing activities to support and enhance learning experiences, and collaborating with administrators, teachers, parents, and other professionals. Faculty in higher education used STEI in preparing inservice and preservice teachers and other direct services personnel to link theory to actual classroom practice. STEI was available in a collection of professional learning, intervention, and assessment solutions offered by Sopris West and as part of a one- or two-day in-person professional development provided by trained professionals.

Foundations of Strategies and Tactics for Effective Instruction (STEI)



Planning Instruction

  1. Decide What to Teach
  2. Decide How to Teach
  3. Communicate Realistic Expectation

Managing Instruction

  1. Prepare for Instruction
  2. Use Time Productively
  3. Establish Positive Classroom Environment

Delivering Instruction

  1. Present Information
  2. Monitor Presentations
  3. Adjust Presentations

Evaluating Instruction

  1. Monitor Student Understanding
  2. Monitor Engaged Time
  3. Keep Records of Student Progress
  4. Use Data to Make Decisions

Foundations of Online Learning Modules (

STEI was originally organized and presented as components, principles, strategies, and tactics and the online content ( is structured similarly using learning management system (LMS) language (see below).








Decide What to Teach



Assess to Identify Gaps in Performance


(actionable teaching activity)

Use Norm-Referenced Tests Effectively

Clarifying the difference between strategies and tactics is a key to effective instruction. Strategies are big-picture areas of focus and tactics are specific ways to address them.

Bob Algozzine is Emeritus Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of North Carolina Charlotte. He is widely known for his writing on effective assessment and teaching practices in behavior disorders and critical issues in the field of special education. He has over 35 years of experience teaching research and evaluation courses and has provided advice and assistance to more than 200 students in advanced degree programs.

Jim Ysseldyke is Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology and former Director of the National Center on Educational Outcomes at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. He has been a classroom teacher and school psychologist. He received his doctorate from the University of Illinois. Dr. Ysseldyke is nationally recognized for his research and writing on assessment and effective instruction.

Judy Elliott is a former teacher, school psychologist, and administrator in public schools, elementary through secondary levels. She currently is a national consultant and staff development professional to school districts, education organizations, and state departments of education. Dr. Elliott has trained thousands of administrators, teachers, and other professionals in linking assessment to classroom intervention, effective instruction, teacher assistance teams, authentic assessment, curriculum-based evaluation, instructional environment evaluation, and behavior management. Dr. Elliott is available for on-site professional development. 

Citation: Algozzine, B., Ysseldyke, J., & Elliott, J. (2021). Strategies and tactics for effective instruction [website].

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