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If everyone in a class was at the same instructional level, and if schools had clearly prescribed goals and instructional objectives that were the same for all students, then teaching would consist simply of doing the same things with everybody, being certain to do them in the right order and at the right time. Of course, all students are not alike and the goals, objectives, or methods for teaching and learning are not the same for everybody. This is why planning is a key component of effective teaching.

Effective instruction requires planning. This means that effective teachers make decisions before they start teaching. They make decisions about what content to present, about what materials or activities to use and how to present the content, and about how to encourage students to approach learning in positive ways. There are three principles of effective planning:

  1. Decide what to teach.
  2. Decide how to teach.
  3. Communicate realistic expectations.

Decide what to teach involves accurate assessment of student characteristics (e.g., skill levels, motivation), task characteristics (e.g., sequence, cognitive demands), and classroom characteristics (e.g., instructional groupings, materials). Using this information, effective teachers plan their instruction to produce logical lessons that best match student, task, and classroom characteristics to the instructional demands of the content they are teaching. The goal when deciding what to teach is accurately determining the appropriate content to present based on what is known about individual students and their learning needs.

Decide how to teach involves making decisions about instructional performance standards, methods and materials, and instructional pace. Based on information available for students in their classes, effective teachers set instructional goals and performance standards. They select instructional methods, including grouping structures and pace, and materials to help them achieve their goals. And, they identify monitoring procedures that will assist in determining the extent to which their instruction is matching learner skills with intended outcomes. The goal of effec­tive teachers in deciding how to teach is to find the best way to present the desired instructional content.

Communicate realistic expectations means being sure that students understand the goals, objectives, and standards of instruction, getting students to be active and involved learners, and getting them to understand the consequences of success and failure. Effective teachers know that communicating realistic expectations is an important part of planning because active student engagement and motivation have long been seen as critical parts of learning. Trying to achieve goals, objectives, or standards that are too high or too low ca uses frustration or boredom, and, too often, misbehavior. The goal in communicating realistic expectations is to ensure that “everybody is on the same instructional page” and that nobody’s needs are ignored, overlooked, or missed.

These three planning principles are addressed in this course. An overview is provided for each, illustrating how it relates to effective planning, and describing a set of specific strategies that effective teachers use when focusing it. The main content of the course is a set of tactics that illustrate specific ways to actively address each principle and strategy to provide effective instruction.

PLANNING1. Decide What to Teach
  • Assess to Identify Gaps in Performance
  • Establish Logical Sequences of Instruction
  • Consider Contextual Variables
2. Decide How to Teach
  • Set Instructional Goals
  • Establish Performance Standards
  • Choose Instructional Methods and Materials
  • Establish Grouping Structures
  • Pace Instruction Appropriately
  • Monitor Performance and Adjust Instruction
3. Communicate Realistic Expectations
  • Frequently Review Goals, Objectives, and Standards
  • Teach Students to Be Active, Involved Learners
  • Teach Students Consequences of Performance

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1. Decide What to Teach

2. Decide How to Teach

3. Communicate Realistic Expectations

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Basic Membership

1 year of access

1. Decide What to Teach

2. Decide How to Teach

3. Communicate Realistic Expectations